Why choose AuPair Alternative?

Au Pair Alternative is a registered Au Pair agency which is truly aiming to promote child development and the concept of cultural exchange program by carefully selecting candidates to participate in the program. We make sure our Au Pair candidates are truly qualified and have clean background and trustworthy as well as understand of the actual purpose of Au Pair program.

We have strong willingness to bring positive changes towards Thai society by an attempt to make program fee more affordable and fairer to applicants. We strongly believe in equality in opportunities and work hard to reach that goal. Apart from that we treat our applicants with respect and honesty. Clients’ satisfaction isn’t the only priority of ours, but also the fact that our vision is being turned into reality and can literally make positive impact.

We charge Au Pairs reasonably and offer freedom to Au Pairs to choose service choices according to their needs and circumstance. Fixed charging fees together with flexibility in time of payment makes it convenient and becomes less stressful for Au Pair to make payment.

We have experienced personnel operating in Thailand and Europe to support our Au Pairs during the exchange year. We perform our work professionally and according to Au Pair regulations of each country. Our collaboration with local au pair communities and Au Pair support organizations, assure safety of Au Pairs during program participation.

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