Why should you hire a Thai Au Pair?

Thailand is reputed for being a child oriented country where children are much adored. Thai people are kind hearted and Thai society is a caring one. Thai people are raised to believe in helping each other and live life upon good deed. Influence of Buddhism created a strong sense of morality among Thai people; they likely behave according to their religious principles (Being good)

Since majority of Au Pairs are mainly female, it is worth mentioning; Thailand has a traditional society where women are still expected to perform a domestic role including a mother role. As a result, traditional role is still highly value and it’s common that a Thai mother passes down domestic skills to their daughters. Good manner is important to Thais as it a key to social acceptance

Au Pair program is widely known and popular among University students or middle-class people. Therefore, our Thai Au Pair candidates have good educational background; some still pursuing their university degree, others most have obtained at least a bachelor. The most common motivation behind their desire to participate in Au Pair cultural program is to gain new life experiences, to learn new language and culture, as well as, to develop their personal growth. For them, to living in a comfort zone all their life is not exciting either challenging; as a result, they seek an opportunity to become an Au Pair overseas.

With our agency, you are assured Au Pair candidates are trustworthy due to the fact that they are well educated with University degree, they are employed, they have international experiences and financially independent. We also do attitude checking during an interview in order to prove if they are mature enough to participate in the program and able to deal with problems.

In summary, by hiring a Thai Au Pair, you will get to learn more about Thailand and its unique history and culture.



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